Monday, October 19, 2009

Radio Interview

I'm participating in a radio interview today around noon on KGAL-AM 1580.  The host, Ray, will be talking with me about my recent hike and fundraising efforts.  If you are in the mid-Willamette Valley, hope you can tune in!


  1. Ryan,

    Do you know if there will be a podcast of this? Unfortunately, I am out of state and missed the broadcast (and if I would've been home I would've been at work...).

    Anyway, I am tickled about the publicity that your efforts have been getting!


  2. Hi Ellen -
    Podcast, I don't know. But I did the old-fashioned thing - taped it on a cassette. However, Ryan has been asked to grant an even longer interview on KGAL sometime following his trip to Texas this weekend as a white jersey honoree with the Lance Armstrong foundation.
    On another note, the fundraiser for LIVESTRONG remains open till mid-November. We thought it ended tomorrow, 10/21.

  3. Here's a link to the radio KGAL interview with Ryan
