Saturday, August 1, 2009

Clean as a Whistle

That's what my feet looked like after 30 miles of dusty terrain on Friday, July 31. Luckily, there was a creek close to where I camped so I was able to clean up moderately. I hope it didn't kill any fish!

1 comment:

  1. Besides dirty, those feet look "worn". (I guess a mom can say that.)

    My prayer:
    God, you know the discouragement Ryan's feet problems are to him. By and through Your word I pray that you will console him in a very special way, and I pray you will bring healing and joy into his life. I pray your own words for those results. Please hear and honor them in Jesus' name.....
    ...from 2 Thess. 2:16-17: I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and You, God, who have loved Ryan and given him everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, will comfort his heart and establish him in every good word and work.......
    ...and from Isaiah 49:13 - I pray, O God, that You have comforted Ryan and will have mercy on his affliction."
