Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 119

(Originally written on Monday, August 31)

Another atypical day on the trail today, which was fine with me! We started out in Bend which was unexpected a mere 18 hours earlier. (I see "we" because Mark, Andrea, and Jakob were with me.) After getting our morning coffee we headed off to the trailhead, about 30 minutes away. I was looking forward to hiking with a lighter pack, because most of my overnight gear was getting jumped up to Lava Camp Lake where I was planning to camp for the night.

We adopted a relaxed pace going up the mountain while Jakob did his best thru-hiker impression and got moderately dirty and dusty in a short amount of time. It was fun to watch, but I was happy that I didn't have to wash him!

They hiked with me until about 11:15 am when I had my interview with KGAL. After that they headed down the way we came up and I continued on my way north. The plan was that I would move quickly with a light pack and meet Mark at Lava Camp Lake, 30 miles away. I moved faster than I otherwise would have, but not as fast as I would have liked. I'm not sure why, but recently my energy level just has not been what it should be--quite frustrating to say the least! As it turned out, I didn't get to the campsite until about 10 pm, which meant I had hiked by headlamp for about 1.5 hours.

So now I'm going to bed because I am totally beat. Another early day tomorrow is in store as Mark, Kristin (my other sister), and I go from Hwy 242 where Mark and I are tonight to US Highway 20, about 18 miles away. From there I get a ride from my parents down to the Willamette Valley for some home-cookin' and a hot shower. Can't wait.

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