Saturday, September 5, 2009

Days 121, 122

Tonight, September 3, I'm back on the trail after an all-too-short trip down to my parents' house two hours west of the PCT. I arrived there on Sept 1 and took a zero yesterday. I would have loved to have stayed longer and enjoyed the comforts of home a little more if I could have, but the pressure of finishing this hike as soon as I can and hopefully before the snow starts is growing by the day.

So yesterday was pretty much all business. I tried to put together resupply boxes for the remainder of the trip and was only moderately successful. I've got the boxes together with some of the food I need in each, but they aren't complete and I'll definitely be relying on Mom to help me finish them while I'm trudging along.

Today the plan was to get up to the trailhead at Highway 20 by noon for a send-off picnic/bbq. Then I would head off to continue my journey at 3 so that I could get 10 miles in before it got dark. It worked but everything was moved back about 30 minutes. However, after several consecutive nights of setting up camp in the dark, I was happily in my sleeping bag before it got too dark. Now I can just hear the moderate wind blowing as well as a few deer wandering around. (The weather tomorrow may turn a bit sour--the forecast is for a 70% chance of rain. So we'll see how that goes.)

I'd like to wrap up this post by thanking my family. They clearly went out of their way to help me move along on this hike over the past few days (they've been very supportive all along, by the way) and it was a huge morale boost! A Red Robin pitstop in Bend, joining me on the trail, meeting me at the trailhead at Highway 20, feeding me and helping me with laundry, and having a send-off was all just such a great way to celebrate 2000 miles and I loved it, so thank you all.

As for tomorrow, I've got a manageable 24-mile day in front of me. Onward to Canada!

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