Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 138

(Originally written on Saturday, Sept 19)

It is still raining outside of my tent. The wind is blowing rather fiercely too. I'm hoping that camping on top of a ridge wasn't an error in judgment. I really wanted to get up and over the ridge so that I wouldn't need to worry about it in the morning. Now I'm just hoping my tent doesn't get ripped apart!

After yesterday's 31 miles, I wanted to build on it so that I wouldn't be forced to have a big day into Snoqualmie Pass. But when I woke up this morning to more than just a heavy drizzle, I knew it was going to be tough to get going. I hate getting up in the morning, and when it is cold and rainy it's even harder. So by the time I actually got hiking, it was already 9. Everything takes longer in the rain. The upside of cold, wet weather is that it makes me hike faster just to stay warm! So I actually made decent time and by sunset (didn't see it due to the clouds) I had hiked about 26 or 27 miles. I think I've got right at 25 to go tomorrow and a hot shower has never sounded so good!

The weather looked like it was going to clear up as I was quickly forcing down lunch (I wanted to get moving again to stay warm!) but then right after I got my tent up I started feeling a few drops of rain. Hopefully the system will blow out of the area overnight. That would make it a LOT easier to get up in the morning!

1 comment:

  1. You can do it Ryan! We're all pulling for you, and now planning to meet you in less than two weeks! Keep on walking & keep your spirits up, the end is almost in sight!
