Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 35

Tonight I'm camping somewhere around the Sierra Pelona Ridge, just outside of Agua Dulce about 5 miles. My original plan was to get 10 miles logged today in order to make the rest of my week a little less rushed. But due to an error on my part, my maps for Tehachapi - Kennedy Meadows are going to be waiting for me at Kennedy Meadows. Oops. So I had to figure out a second plan so that I had some maps and wasn't just wandering out into the Tehachapi Mountains.

The stay at Agua Dulce and the Saufley's truly are trail angels in every sense of the word. When you first arrive, you get to a laundry tent where you pick up a laundry basket for your dirty clothes and clean loaner clothes if you want/need them. Then you take a shower and leave your dirty clothes next to the wash machine and Donna washes them for you!!! In the meantime, you can hang out in the single-wide trailer converted to a guest house watching TV, reading the paper, etc. Or you can just sit outside or ride a bike into town. The system they have in place is wonderful and they actually have to limit the number of hikers staying on any given night to 50...yes, 50. There weren't nearly that many while I was there. Maybe just 10-12.

The weather continues to be mild, which is wonderful! What was not fun up in the San Gabriels is definitely good down where it is usually hotter! Hopefully it will stay this way for a few more days until I get across the Mojave.

Tomorrow is shaping up to be a pretty big day. I'm planning to get an early start and hike for as long as my body and the weather cooperate. My guess is that my body will be the first to give in since I just resupplied and have some extra weight to contend with! Regardless, I need to get to the Tehachapi post office by 2 pm on Saturday, so I've got my work cut out for me with about 100 miles to go!

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