Sunday, June 14, 2009

Very Rough Timeline

Hey Everyone -

While here in Tehachapi and armed with the experience of figuring out my pace over the previous nearly 560 miles, I took a few minutes to figure out what the rest of my trip would look like at my current pace.  I've projected my resupply habits and traveling speed to come up with a few main resupply points and dates.  I know that some of you were thinking about joining me for a day or two on the trail during the summer and I would encourage you to look at this as guidance for when and where I'll be along the trail.  PLEASE bear in mind that this is only a very rough estimate, so dates are subject to change.  As you can see, this gets me to the end of the trail well into October and I would love to do everything in my power to get that closer to my original target date of September 21 both for symbolic and practical purposes.  Symbolic because that is the fourth anniversary of my last day of treatment.  Practical because I don't want to get stuck in the snow somewhere in northern Washington!

So, without further adieu, here is my timeline:

Kennedy Meadows          6/22
Vermilion Valley Resort     7/3
Tuolomne Meadows         7/8
Echo Lake                     7/17
Sierra City                    7/24
Belden                         7/29
Old Station                   8/3
Dunsmuir                      8/10
Seiad Valley                  8/17

Ashland                        8/22
Crater Lake                   8/27
Bend                            9/2
Estacada                      9/7
Cascade Locks              9/12

Naches                        9/20
Snoqualmie Pass            9/25
Skykomish                    9/29
Stehekin                      10/4
Manning Park                10/9

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