Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 36

I woke up this morning with my mind on getting some good mileage racked up. Since I didn't get nearly as much done yesterday as I would have liked, and roughly 100 miles to do in 4.5 days, I had my work cut out for me. But as I started to wake up around 4:30 this morning, I couldn't help but notice the heavy condensation on the inside of my tent. When I looked outside with my headlamp, sure enough, visibility was nearly nonexistent.

I was on the trail by 5:30 and ended up hiking a couple miles (as is usually my custom) before having breakfast on the backside of a ridge where I had a windbreak. That is where I took the picture that I posted earlier.

Anyway, I hiked all day and continued to hope that the fog would burn off, but instead it seemed to get thicker. It's a California phenomenon called "June Gloom". I experienced it when I lived in Santa Barbara but there it was usually warm. This was definitely not! Again I seemed to add more layers as the day went on. It is very frustrating. I expect this kind of weather later on, but not in SoCal!

The one good thing about the crappy weather is that I don't stop to take pictures! (Because there is nothing to see.) I'm sure that Sierra Pelona has some beautiful areas, but I didn't see them! Anyhow, I ended up doing 26 miles today which is about what I was aiming for. There was a part of the day where I thought I could do 30, but when I realized it would put me at a higher elevation (read: colder) I decided to just stay put where I was.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather is a bit nicer tomorrow, but I have my doubts! Regardless, I still need to get in some good mileage if I can. If I do another 25ish then I should be back on track.

Hmmm...feels like I'm forgetting something. Oh well, if I remember it will be in a different post.

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