Monday, May 25, 2009

Day 20

My original plan was to head all the way to Van Dusen Road and then take that into Big Bear City (BBC). If you look on a map at the PCT as it relates to BBC, you'll see that it goes from east to west with most accesible points east of the lake because BBC is on the south side of the lake. Anyway, I just have a hard time going into BBC to resupply, etc. when I haven't even really made it to the lake yet. More importantly, when I go back to the trail after my stop in BBC, I do NOT want to feel like I'm going backwards!

So anyway, after possibly getting off the trail earlier, I chose not to and continued with my original plan. And I'm glad I did! If I hadn't, then I wouldn't have experienced the recliner/cooler combo until after the day off in BBC and wouldn't have appreciated it as much. So I started from Coon Creek Group Camp and ended up at Doble Trail Camp where I am the lone camper this Sunday night. This is a surprise for a holiday weekend...maybe they know something I don't. It even has a firepit which I would have used but I didn't have my campfire permit because...yep, you guessed was in my bounce box.

Which brings me to my next point. The bounce box has returned! I told the peeps in Idyllwild that if they ever did get it to just send it to my parents and I'd just start over. Well, that's what they did so now I get little but important things back (tent stakes, rain cover for my pack, journal, etc).

So all in all, not a bad day! 22 miles on Day 20. I've only got 6.5 miles to go tomorrow until I get to Van Dusen, then it is on to the Big Bear Hostel to become human again. (I'm startin' to smell again.) By the way, major props to Grayson at the Hostel. He's the one who hooked me up with the recliner and cooler today!

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