Thursday, May 21, 2009

Trail from Hell

This morning I rolled up my sleeping bag and hit the trail at 5 am in an effort to get down to and across the desert floor before the temperature hits the forecast of 101. First off, it was so windy that I didn't even set up my tent...just slept under the stars. It's not the first time I've done that but it was the first time that I rolled over and accidentally opened my water bag valve, leaking water all over my mattress pad and DOWN sleeping bag! (In case you were wondering, down loses all insulative properties when it gets wet. Good thing I'm in the desert!)

Anyway, after I got that mess cleaned up as best I could, I headed out of camp, hoping to get to the desert floor pronto. What followed was the most aggravating experience of the entire hike so far. Basically, the very poorly-maintained trail just did switchbacks back and forth, descending only a little bit each time, turning what should have taken an hour-long hike into a three-hour-long hike. It was maddening. Meanwhile, it's just getting hotter on the desert floor that I need to cross!

Anyway, I finally made it and it is weird to think that less than 24 hours ago I was at 10,800' and now I'm at 1,188' while resting underneath Interstate 10. I'm hoping to do only about 5 more miles today and then give the knees a break from all that descending.

By the way, I passed the 200 mile mark about five miles ago. :)


  1. Woohoo- way to go!! Congrats on reaching 200 miles :)

  2. That's $2K for LAF! Right on!

  3. Nice work buddy! We are sitting here at breakfast in Montana with my family talking about you and your journey, checking out your blog, reading your posts, encouraging others to follow you and donate ;).

    Enjoy the journey and the rest of us will follow. Nick wants to take you out for a beer when you get to WA.
